We’re hosting and attending so many events over the next couple of months we’ve had to create a new page on our website to list them all!
Our Introduction to Tenancy Deposit Protection events provide an introduction to the legislation, what it will mean for landlords, letting agents and tenants, discuss the adjudication process and how The LPS Scotland scheme will operate.
This month we’re running a couple of webinars – Kevin Firth will deliver the same presentation but online, giving you the chance to learn about tenancy deposit protection without even leaving your desk.
To register for a webinar click your preferred date below:
Thursday 23rd February - 10:00am-12:00pm
Tuesday 28th February - 2:00pm-4:00pm
We’ll also be heading to Dundee for a presentation on 6 March where you’ll be given our literature packs and freebies. The event details are:
Time: 3:00pm-5:30pm
Address: Discovery Point, Discovery Quay, Dundee, DD1 4XA
For more information or to register: Please click here
Compulsory deposit protection is creeping ever closer and it’s important that landlords and letting agents are up to speed with their responsibilities – these events will tell you what you can do now to be ready once schemes launch and how you can manage the process going forward.
If you’d like more information visit our website www.lettingprotectionscotland.com or email us.